Friday, April 13, 2012

Hour 26 - Operation Nightwatch

A handful of fellow volunteers showed up to help with last Friday nights Operation Nightwatch. During the brief orientation for new volunteers, Jimbo explained that Nightwatch's focus (unlike many other similar organizations) is to provide 'hospitality' for the needy of Portland. The 'needy' being homeless, but also those who sleep in homes but spend most of the days on the streets.  I was drawn to this distinguishing characteristic of Nightwatch...a place that provides a sense of welcome. Operation Nightwatch goes 7-11pm every Thursday, Friday & Saturday night. I learned about and signed up for this volunteer oppurtunity through Hands on Greater Portland.

This evening, 25-40 individuals (of all backgrounds) came in from the streets to socialize, play music and board games, or simply spend time at a place which welcomes them. It occured to me that many of these people spend their days being made unwelcomed in the public spaces where they live their lives. Coffee, cookies, sandwiches, and donated clothing were offered throughout the night. The bulk of the evening was folks talking and playing board games. A piano was played masterfully for the 4 hours.  I met a Yugoslavian woman with a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Cornell. I played 2 games of chess (one W, one L).  There were individuals there who, by appearance, fit the stereotype of a homeless person but there were just as many who did not. Tonight, at Operation Nightwatch, I learned of the varying shades of grey that exist in the homeless/needy population here in Portland.

Not my pic, but gives an idea of the scene at Op Nightwatch

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